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Masterclasses 01/03/2019

Risk management masterclass for dental practitioners

Risk management masterclass for dental practitioners

Time to read article: 1 mins
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As an experienced dental practitioner you will know all about the risk of complaints and litigation. This masterclass can reduce your risk by developing your communication skills and teaching you a range of practical techniques to improve your patient interactions.

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Press release 29/07/2024

Dental Protection sets out priorities for new Government

Dental Protection sets out priorities for new Government

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Dental Protection has called on the new UK Government to prioritise critical issues currently impacting dental professionals and patients - including access to NHS dentistry, GDC and clinical negligence claims reform, child oral health, and growth of and support for the dental workforce.

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News and updates 26/07/2024

Consultation response regarding dental hygienists and dental therapists

Consultation response regarding dental hygienists and dental therapists

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Read the Dental Protection submission to the Department of Health and Social Care on enabling dental hygienists and dental therapists to supply and administer specific medicines.

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Workshop and masterclass FAQ

Do I get a reduced subscription rate if I participate in risk prevention workshops, webinars and e-learning?

No, not at present. The main benefits of engaging with our educational programs are:

  • Enhanced risk management and prevention skills
  • Improved patient outcomes
  • Reduced likelihood of involvement with claims or complaints and the associated stress, worry and inconvenience they bring.

Will you reimburse my travel expenses?

No. While we believe education to be an appropriate use of (a small part of) members’ subscriptions, we do not believe that the majority of members would agree that reimbursement of other members’ travel expenses would be a good way to use their funds.

Is there a charge for car parking when attending a workshop?

MPS does not pay for car parking. However, the venue where the workshop is being held may charge a car parking fee to use their car park (if available). This is at the discretion of the venue so we advise you to check before you travel.

If I cancel my attendance at a workshop, will I be penalised?

Although we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee, as per the terms and conditions you agree to when making your booking, wherever possible we try not to do this. If you give us notice or if an emergency arises (either private or patient) we will not charge you. However, we do reserve the right to charge attendees who do not contact us at all about their inability to attend (before or after the event) particularly if this happens on more than one occasion.

I have only just opened my letter; why are the workshops so full already?

Your letter may have been delayed in the post. There are limited spaces available for each workshop and because the workshops are well received they can fill within a very short time. Most people go online to make bookings and, especially over weekends, this often means that they take the spaces first.

I can't get to the venue until after the workshop has started. Can I still have my CPD/CEU/CME points?

If you believe you are going to be late, we would recommend that you register on another date. The introduction to the workshop is important for the messages later. Most colleges require proof from us that you have attended the complete workshop and may take into consideration any discrepancies between attendance-register records and time claimed.

I can't attend any of the workshops - can you send me the course materials instead?

The course materials are only an addition to the workshop and not a replacement for it. They do not contain the videos, the exercises or the speaker’s notes that are vital parts of the workshop. Therefore, we do not provide workshop material to people who do not attend.

Can you make the course materials available online?

The course materials are only an addition to the workshop and not a replacement for it. They do not contain the videos, the exercises or the speaker’s notes that are vital parts of the workshop. Therefore, the workshop material is not available online. 

We know that it can be difficult for some members to attend workshops. This is why MPS has launched Prism, an online e-learning resource for members.

Can I just turn up to attend a workshop on the day?

No, places are limited and it is not possible for the workshop presenters to cater for members who do not book a place in advance.

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