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Articles and features 11/03/2021

So what is indemnity?

So what is indemnity?

Time to read article: 8 mins
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Helen Kaney, Dentolegal Consultant and Medico and Dentolegal Services Team Lead at Dental Protection, looks at the key differences between indemnity and insurance

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Articles and features 10/03/2021

COVID-19: one year on

COVID-19: one year on

Time to read article: 4 mins
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George Wright, Senior Dental Educator and Dentolegal Consultant at Dental Protection, looks back at a turbulent year for everyone – and how dentistry responded

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Article contains

Articles and features 02/02/2021

What to do if dental practice staff refuse a COVID-19 vaccine

What to do if dental practice staff refuse a COVID-19 vaccine

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Emma Carr, Case Manager at Dental Protection, and Lesley Harrison, Dentolegal Consultant at Dental Protection, look at some recent queries from practice owners over what to do when members of their staff refuse the COVID-19 vaccination

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Articles and features 08/07/2020

Managing risk in the COVID-19 world

Managing risk in the COVID-19 world

Time to read article: 5 mins
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The COVID-19 pandemic has created much uncertainty within dentistry. However, one important activity remains unchanged and is arguably more vital than ever. Elaine Cook, dentolegal consultant at Dental Protection, finds out why

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Article contains

Articles and features 03/07/2020

Perio and the pandemic: a cause for concern?

Perio and the pandemic: a cause for concern?

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Andrew Walker, dentolegal consultant at Dental Protection, looks at whether the disruption caused by COVID-19 will heighten the risks around periodontal disease

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Articles and features 03/07/2020

Coronavirus questions and answers

Coronavirus questions and answers

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These coronavirus Q&As are reflective of the advice we are sharing with members around the world.

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Webinar 03/07/2020

Recorded webinar: COVID-19 Infection prevention and control for denta...

Recorded webinar: COVID-19 Infection prevention and control for dental teams

Time to read article: 61 mins
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This webinar provides an overview to the dental team about Coronavirus and reviews the fundamental infection prevention and control measures that should be considered to reduce the likelihood of disease transmission within the dental practice.

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Articles and features 03/07/2020

COVID-19 and remote consultations – how we can help

COVID-19 and remote consultations – how we can help

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Dental Protection has received calls from members regarding the safety and suitability of remote consulting – i.e. teledentistry – and this article outlines our advice and guidance.

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Article contains

Articles and features 05/06/2020

An update on MRONJ – and the successful defence of a difficult claim

An update on MRONJ – and the successful defence of a difficult claim

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Helen Kaney, Dental Protection’s lead dentolegal consultant for Scotland, reports on the robust defence of a member in a complicated case several years in the making

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Article contains

Articles and features 05/06/2020

The periodontal paradox

The periodontal paradox

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Dr Alasdair McKelvie and Dr Andrew Walker, dentolegal consultants at Dental Protection, advise on controlling risk when it comes to identifying and managing periodontal disease

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Articles and features 05/06/2020

Managing endodontic file separation

Managing endodontic file separation

Time to read article: 5 mins
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One of the most frequent adverse events reported is the separation (or fracture) of an endodontic instrument within a tooth. Dr Simon Parsons, dentolegal consultant at Dental Protection, looks at what we can do to reduce our risk of procedural error and how we might manage these cases should they arise

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Article contains

Articles and features 05/02/2020

Bridge2Aid: how dental volunteering is offering hope to those in pain

Bridge2Aid: how dental volunteering is offering hope to those in pain

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Dental Protection is proud to support the work of Bridge2Aid, a charitable organisation doing fantastic work to improve access to emergency dental care by training healthcare workers in developing countries. Find out more about the organisation’s work in this article

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Article contains

Articles and features 04/02/2020

Brexit update

Brexit update

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Statement from Dental Protection regarding our preparedness for Brexit.

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Articles and features 29/01/2020

Surviving dental school: avoiding plagiarism

Surviving dental school: avoiding plagiarism

Time to read article: 3 mins
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The GDC expects dental students to be honest and trustworthy, and to act with integrity, and this equally applies to academic work.

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